Category Archives: Housing

Want a Lego-style home in just a few weeks?

PopUp House, located in France, offers a variety of kits for houses and offices which can be be built in less than a month.  Unlike typical U.S. style two-by-four home construction, the PopUp House has been intentionally designed to be assembled quickly using pre-formed parts and only a standard screwdriver.  This design choice offers the […]

The Housing Supply Problem

  US housing supply can’t keep up with accelerating demand, which forces home prices and rents up. The article suggests that this imbalance could potentially wake the sleeping inflation dragon and force the Fed to raise rates more frequently and aggressively than expected. Source: Housing market supply problem – Business Insider

Zappos’ multimillionaire CEO explains why he lives in a trailer park with his two pet llamas – Yahoo Finance

  Zappos’ Founder,Tony Hsieh, moved from a luxury penthouse to a 240 square-foot trailer in a Las Vegas trailer park…intentionally…and has been happy ever since.  Read the article to find out why. Source: Zappos’ multimillionaire CEO explains why he lives in a trailer park with his two pet llamas – Yahoo Finance


Would You Live in a Plastic House?

For years we’ve heard how bad plastics are for the environment supported by countless stories of landfills overflowing with plastics, deadly toxins and hormonal disruptors, and a huge floating island of plastic trash in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.   And now the plastic industry wants to build houses out of the stuff?  Is it time to break out the picket signs and start protesting?  Not so fast.  Apparently, these aren’t your grandfather’s plastics anymore.  According the American Chemistry Council, modern plastic building materials are much safer and efficient than their ancestors.  The Plastics Make It Possible campaign built an experimental 200-foot tiny house to demonstrate the many benefits of building with modern plastic materials, many already used in housing construction today.

Source: Would You Live in a Plastic House?